The Mukurtu Australia Sandbox is a space for people new to Mukurtu CMS to get a close-up look at the software and to learn more about its features and functions. Anyone can browse contents or request an account to add contents to the site.
This site is regularly cleaned up and content is deleted, while backup is limited to once per day. Please remember that contents uploaded on the site will be published automatically: if you wish to keep your testing contents private contact us.
This site is also used for workshops. The accounts created during the day will retain group membership, but will have other privileges removed (community and protocol management, digital heritage item creation).
For extended access after attending a workshop, and for longer-term use, testing and planning please contact us.
How to use this site
If this is the first you access Mukurtu CMS you can:
- Look around and explore the communities and content available;
- Read and watch educational material on how to use Mukurtu CMS at support.mukurtu.org;
- Request your user account or contact us.